
Pensilva History Group

The Pensilva History Group's site is written using the Padrino Ruby framework and makes use Haml, Sass, Compass and Coffee Script.

Padrino is built on top of Sinatra and comes with a ready-made Django style admin section. Having the admin in a distinct 'app' to the viewing site really untangles the code.

The Susy Sass mixin library is used for a sophisticated yet pain-free grid.

I have the body field of each model take Markdown so that non-technical authors can produce and control a reasonable standard of output, such as with boldness, lists or blockquotes.

A full-width 'hero' style homepage:

Pensilva History Group

Normal style pages have a sidebar:

Pensilva History Group

Events link to an associated iCal file:

Pensilva History Group

The photo galleries' front page uses rotating Orbit plug in to trail each gallery.

Pensilva History Group

Within the gallery the Masonry plugin is used to lay out the photos. Notice the 'Polaroid' effect.

Pensilva History Group

And finally Colorbox is used for the lightbox.

Pensilva History Group

View the source code.