Why The Dambusters couldn't be remade today

Hell in a Lancaster! Or why an updated version of The Dambusters could never be made in these puritanical times. And this is without even mentioning the name of Guy Gibson's dog.

You know Eric Coates's theme music so hum along.

Modern day sin I: Dog left in car.

Modern day sin II: Ill prepared bathing. Wading without a buoyancy aid or distress flares.

Modern day sin III: Drinking of alcohol. "When we get back we'll have the biggest binge ever."

Modern day sin IV: Drinking of alcohol by canine.

Modern day sin V: Polluting the sea. (Reculver near Herne Bay northern Kent coast.)

Modern day sin VI: Exploitation of women.*

Modern day sin VII: Even more drinking of alcohol.

Modern day sin VIII: Abuse of poultry.

Modern day sin IX: A punch up.

Modern day sin X: Smoking.

Modern day sin XI: Contravention of Geneva Conventions with regard to prisoners working.

Modern day sin XII: Smoking. In bed. In underwear. By Australians.

Modern day sin XIII: Fry up.

Modern day sin XIV: Destruction of woodland.

Modern day sin XV: Ruhr workers suffering with rising damp.**

Modern day sin XVI: Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris.

With all that bad and/or unhealthy behaviour going on unchecked by public health nazis guardians it's a wonder only 53 of the 133 aircrew died during Operation Chastise.

*Of course there's quite a liberty taken with the plot here. The use of the lamps hanging beneath the aircraft for gauging altitude wasn't thought up during Guy Gibson's trip to the theatre at all.

**1,294 people were killed on the ground. Tragically 749 of them were Ukrainian forced labourers.


I bet he drinks Carling Black Label!

Posted: Jun 3 2012 | Tags: Films, War